
The recruitment of 7,325 teachers from the S-Power register by Governor Radda is shooting two birds with one stone. First, it’s a promise fulfilled and secondly it’s, again, a promise fulfilled. Governor Radda promised youths employed under the S-Power ad-hoc arrangement he will normalize and make permanent their appointments. 

Governor Radda also promised to improve education in the state by addressing dearth of teachers, infrastructures and instructional materials while building capacity to improve quality of education. 

Altogether, the unprecedented recruitment of 7,325 teachers through a meticulous and unbiased selection process by a special committee, the release of N271m for the procurement of instructional materials for distribution to all primaries and post primary schools across the State and the flagging-off of the construction of 75 secondary schools under the joint Katsina State/World Bank Adolescent Girls Initiative Learning and Empowerment (AGILE) project, is a solid proof of Governor Radda’s determination to change the sordid narratives of education in Katsina State. Indeed, he is leaving no one doubt about the quality of his promises and his sincerity to fulfill promises made. This much he achieved within his first 100 days in office and, Insha Allah, many more are coming where these came from. 

It’s reasonable then, to seek for public understanding and cooperation to support him achieve his good intentions. Let’s understand, Governor Radda is not a magician with a magic wand to wave and make things happen. He is human and his programs and agendas are humanly designed to be achieved by strict adherence to a good leadership template viz-a-viz availability and judicious application of resources and a scale of preference fairly drawn to reflect the needs of the state. He is also a listening leader who is not afraid to adopt and apply superior facts of logics. 

It’s also reasonable to accept the universal fact that good things don’t come easy hence, it’s not going to be an entirely smooth ride to the touch line. Sacrifices must be made and Insha Allah, these sacrifices will be fully justified and compensated with a better Katsina State. 

May Allah SWT cover Katsina with the needed peace to be prosperous and great. 

Maiwada Dammallam
DG Media

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