Israel, Hypocrisy Of The Western World And The Last War


By Abdu Labaran Malumfashi.

Whatever part of the world one may be, do or say anything Israel, the core Western World would say one was being anti semantic. Deny the alleged mass killings of Jews in Europe, known as the Holocaust, and the Jewish apologists would call you a ‘denier’. But voice that Israel is committing the same offence against the Palestinians, and the blatantly double standard core West would claim that what the Zionists are doing is ‘self defence’.  A self defence that is far in excess of the perceived  ‘offence’ to the Zionists.

But the rest of the world is not, and has nothing, against the Jews, whether they live in Israel or in any other country. In fact, the Jews in Israel are themselves against Zionism. Some of their ultra orthodox leaders, the Rabbis, have often spoken against the cult, which Zionism is. They explicitly expressed their hostility and disapproval towards the war mongering of the rulers of Israel, referring to them as Zionists. The world is simply against Zionism and what it stands for. And Zionism has ever since its founding been against God and His instructions to human beings, anyway.

The Zionists are expert at deceiving the West, particularly the US and its European lapdog, Britain, to do as they want, whatever it may be and whenever they want it, especially support them for, or dragged them into, wars.

This was the tactic that they employed to drag the US into further supporting them in their never-ending war against the Arabs. Recently, they used the same ploy (FATALLY) against fellow captured Israel Jews, bombing them, including women and children, to death, and blamed the horrendous attacks on Hamas, who are doing nothing more than to have a country to call a permanent home of their own.

The Western Powers bought the duplicity hook, line and thinker (they always do that purposely, anyway), which is what they wanted and waited for, and latched on it before the smoke drifted off. The rest of the world was told of how the ‘terrorist Hamas’ tortured, raped and murdered’ the Israel refugees that they had captured. The truth was that there were no such happenings, except the murder, which was committed by the Netanyahu led Zionist army of Israel, who used many air strikes to kill the Hamas held Israelis.

Even the so called victory of Israel over the three Arab countries of Egypt, Jordan and Syria in the Six-day War (5th June to 10th June) in 1967, was only possible because of Britain and the US, whose arms, military intelligence and surreptitious physical presence, helped tilt it in her favour.

The not too long ago killing of the leader of the immediate past leader of Hamas and the long ago attack and destruction of the nuclear reactors within Iran were also made possible with the armoury and intelligence of US and Britain. And the two countries continued to be on the Iranians’s neck, demanding the dismantling of its nuclear facilities. But up to today, they never uttered a word about the atomic weapons and the nuclear facilities of Israel, which remains the ONLY country in the Middle East to possess nuclear weapons. They helped the country own the nuclear weapons, and the nuclear reactors she possesses, anyway.

No government or mainstream media in the core Western countries spoke against, and reports on, the many atrocities committed by the Zionists regime of Israel. This one was no exception. The killings of many  innocent Lebanese was neither ever condemned by the governments nor ever reported by the media. Even when (which is rare, but happens nonetheless), Israel herself admitted to being responsible for the killings, mum is still the word in most Western countries.

The US President, Joe Biden, who never spoke a word against Israel’s recent fatal attacks in Beirut, Lebanon, was quick to condemn the retaliatory attacks taken by Iran against Israel. He directed the US military to assist Israel and shoot at any Iranian missile targeting her. A White House statement said “President Biden directed the US military to aid Israel’s defence against Iranian attacks and shoot down missiles that are targeting Israel”.’

Neither were the voices of the many so called human rights organisations, such as Amnesty International, and its fellows in the conspiracy of silence on all ill-human treatment perpetrated in the core West or in Israel. But heard, they would be, if a fraction of that was to happen in a developing country, such as Nigeria. 

As far as the ‘human rights’ groups, whether local, foreign or international, ‘working’ in Nigeria, are concerned, the CRIMINALS, being treated, or being held before they are taken to court for trial, are their concerns. Nothing is ever heard from the groups of the crimes committed against individuals or against the government by the criminals.

But the narrative is past changing in the core Western World, thanks to the social media, which made it possible for information to travel far and wide in the world, even against the wish of governments. Unless if the core West wants to go against what it frequently beats its chest for, and claims ownership of; the so called PRESS FREEDOM and the FREEDOM of SPEECH.
Even these are practiced only at the say so of the Zionists, who control the governments, the money and the media in most of the Western countries.

George Galloway, who for ages has seen through Israel, and is not unmindful of the many of the atrocities committed by its Zionists regime, had always been denied by the media the opportunity to tell the world what he believed he knew about the state of Israel. Through his you tube videos, he is now able to, and do often, expose the Israel regime for what it is. According to him, the regime is made up of Zionists, not Jews.

The age old, often violent hostility between the Arab world and Israel, especially its escalation between Iran and Israel, is a kind of proxy war between some NATO countries and Russia. Both sides possesses the ultimate weapons in their respective armoury, and are therefore fearful of starting a war in which there would be no victor, no vanquished. There would be none, because everybody, including the onlookers, would have been wiped off the face of the earth by the time the war is over.

Not known for giving up the fight, Zionism came up with another of its anti God agenda, deceptively called  ‘The Abrahamic House’, which some nominal Muslims around the world, including Saudi Arabia, swallowed hook, line and sinker.  It was recently shot down by the Saudi Committee for Fatwa, which rejected the request of the forcefully self-imposed Crown Prince, Mohammed Bin Salman. He wanted the Fatwa House to give its imprimatur to the ‘Abrahamic House’ proposal, despite its obvious opposition to the explicit commands of Allah in the Holy Quran.

For those who do not know, or do not understand, what the Abrahamic House stands for, it is simply another queer religion which Zionists want to surreptitiously introduce in the world, so as to make Islam ‘irrelevant’ as the one true religion sent to the entire world through the Messenger of God, Prophet Muhammadu (SAW) after Prophet Isa (AS).

In summary, the proposal suggests for the ‘unity of religions’, which means Islam, Christianity and Judaism, being agreed to by the adherents of both religions, ‘Printing of the three Holy books’, i. e. the Holy Quran, the Bible and the Torah, in one cover and 'building of a Mosque, a Church and a Temple in one area', in the courtyards of universities, airports and public squares.

The Zionists are also behind the ungodly group of lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgender and queer organisation, better known by its acronym of (LGBTQ+), which is against the commands of God, but the evil worship of the devil.

At the recent United Nations (UN) meeting, many heads of government and other representatives, who attended the forum, walked out of the hall, when the Israel Prime Minister walked towards the podium to address the meeting. This disgrace, among the ones suffered by the Israel government at the UN, made its furious Foreign Minister, Israel Katz, to declare the UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres, as persona non grata in Israel. The decision did not go down well with many people in Israel, who pointed out that it was not the mandate of a Foreign Minister to ban anyone from entering the country, but rather that of the Internal Affairs Minister.

Anyway, we all have to prepare ourselves to meet our Maker, including those who run or scurried to the underground bunker, like the war mongering and Zionist Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu did, when he heard that Iran had launched a missile strike at some specific targets in his capital city. His run to the bunker suggests that he feared death, but do not give it a second thought whenever he orders for the murder of innocent lives.

Everybody would be dead (that is what the next world war would mean for everyone), because even those who were in the bunkers when it happened, would have to remain there ‘forever’, if that was possible, or return to the world and find that it was no more as they knew it. They therefore, have to do most things by themselves, as there would be no house helps, house boys, bodyguards, minders and their like, to do those things for them, as many have forgotten how to do them by themselves.

May God make our inevitable meeting with Him (which is a MUST for everyone, whether we like it or not) a very successful one, in which we will be full of joy, having been told to go to Jannatul Firdaus, without any punishment.

Malam Malumfashi wrote from Abuja.

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