Breaking: Wazirin Gwantu III Rejects Title of 'Dan Masani', Urges Own Chief To Beware Of Agents Of Doom


By Samson Yaki Bako

The Wazirin Gwantu III, Mallam Waziri Isa Adam Aliyu, has rejected the title of 'Dan Masanin Gwantu' offered to him by the District Head of Gwantu Alhaji Bashir Mohammed.

Wazirin Gwantu III, who described the offer as ridiculous and insulting, said the laughable game plan is aimed at taking over his inherited title of Waziri and give it to his younger brother, Yahaya Mohammed Abdullahi who had long been underminig and blackmailing the original Waziri for close to two decades now .

The Wazirin Gwantu III  therefore urged the Paramount Chief of Gwantu, Malam Balarabe Abdullahi Karma, not to allow agents of doom and foes of peace distract or mislead him in his popular and commendable efforts to unite his diverse   and highly resourceful subjects, and commitment to position the newly created chiefdom on a path of greatness.

The Wazirin Gwantu III, in a reaction to a letter that poportedly emanated penultimate week,  from the palace of the chief, in which the Yahaya Abdullahi Mohammed in question is said to have been appointed by the chief as Wazirin Gwantu, reminded the chief that, "Your Royal Highness Sir, the title of Wazirin Gwantu which had been in existence for well over 60 years, is not vacant, and had never been, since the demise of the first Waziri (Waziri Adam Aliyu) in 1983; because, after his death, his younger brother Mallam Ali Ibn Ali (Gbongbong) was appointed to succeed him as Wazirin Gwantu II"

After the death of Wazirin Gwantu II, the current Waziri (Waziri Isa Adam Aliyu), who is the last son of the first Waziri, was appointed and subsequently coronated on the 24th of November, 2011, as Wazirin Gwantu III.

Sir, with this brief background therefore, any attempt  to endorse or appoint another person as Waziri, especially when the holder of the current title in the lineage of the first Wazirin Gwantu is still alive, will not only boomerang now, or soon, but will be seen and regarded by all  descendants  of the legitimate and original Waziri as a deliberate attempt to robe them of their agelong inherited title; an action that has the potentisls of sowing needless, avoidable, permanent, generational and dangerous seed of discord and animosity among brothers", He cautioned.

The Wazirin Gwantu III however reminded the chief and all those whose institutional memory has not betrayed them that the Yahaya guy should be reminded that he is from the lineage of Galadima, Madaki and Ubandoman Gwantu.

Therefore, if at all there is any title that he can rightly lay claim to, or, claim to have inherited,  is one of the above, if there is any that is still vacant.

The Wazirin Gwantu III strongly alleged that, "the peace-loving chief of Gwantu is believed to be innocently acting the script of a particular spent-force-turned-paper-tiger who has lost relevance at the center of power, and who, instead of humbling himself, even after deliberately offending his people by  refusing to empower or mentor anyone of them while he held sway as one of the deciders of the nation's fate and its citizens, as is usual of discerning and patriotic leaders in most communities; to come back home to live a quite life, and to unite the people, he is, unfortunately, busy dividing the people and setting up brothers against and another, to the detriment of the chiefdom and its overall interest.

The Wazirin Gwantu III, who therefore advised all patriotic sons and daughters of Gwantu to shun unnecessary bickering, rancour and rivalry among themselves, stressed that it is now time to come together to support the Paramount Chief against fake characters and imposters who thrive mainly on blackmail, and to help him in taking wise decisions that will unite the diverse people of the chiefdom so that they can collectively deploy their individual and God"s given talents and resources to develope the chiefdom and its people who, unfortunately,  constitute one of the most disadvantaged and undeveloped race in southern kaduna.

It would be recalled that the chief of Gwantu, while speaking after the coronation of his uncle, Alhaji Muhammad Umar Intu, as the Magajin Garin Gwantu in May, 2023, announced the dissolution, with immediate effect, of all traditional titles conferred on all sons and daughters of the Gwantu race by the erstwhile chief of Numana chiefdom .

The chief, in the same vein, called on all prominent sons and daughters of the newly created Gwantu  Chiefdom that were interested in reclaiming or seeking for the traditional titles of their families or ancestors to come forward to apply for such titles, where all deserving candidates would be screened and appointed mainly on merits.

He also announced the readiness of Gwantu Traditional Council to confer new titles on all interested, but deserving sons and daughters of the chiefdom.

It was in fulfilment of this resolve to right wrong appointments of the past that the chief mustered courage and removed the Magajin Gari of Gwantu (Mallam Adamu Muhammad), who incidentally is the senior brother of the Wazirin Gwantu III, that he met on the throne, a title that was originally given to one of the late uncles of the chief, on whose death, it was given to mallam Adamu Muhammad, who did not actually inherit it, hence he took it away from him and gave it to the younger brother of the former Magajin Gari.