Plot To Keep Africa Perpetually Down. 30-9-2024


By Abdu Labaran Malumfashi.

During the reign of the Military Head of State, the one some people as a’maximum ruler’, General Sani Abacha, all manner of unsavoury tales were told about his ‘feared’ Chief Security Officer (CSO), Major Hamza Al-Mustafa. And although there was no chance that I could envisage for us ever meeting, I still felt an overwhelming dislike for him.

But a video clip of some white people (a secret meeting, a secret society of sorts, I suppose)  showing one of them telling the other five why it is necessary for the Western World not to allow African countries use their God given mineral wealth to developed their economies.  It gave me the proverbial ‘goose pimples’. The monologue in the video really scared me.

But it also reminds me of the several interviews that Major (rtd) Hamza Al-Mustafa gave on many radio and television stations, including the online  versions. To me, he spoke candidly, with the knowledge of his religion and the fear of God in his voice.

It also reminds me of his not very long ago visit to the neighbouring Republic of Niger, where he spoke eloquently about the abundant minerals the continent is blessed with. 

The White man, according to the video clip, told his attentive audience that: “Gentlemen, the Middle East is fucked. We should know we fought it. Now, six of the fastest economies in the world are in the Saharan Africa. Countries rich in mineral wealth. Coltan for our computers, Cobalt for our batteries, Phosphate for our agriculture, Nuclear ore for our power. These are the things Gentlemen, that the war in the next twenty, thirty years will be fought over.

“A huge deposit of cobalt was discovered in Mali, just over two years ago. Back then we approached the Malian government about the mining rights of those wealth, they told us that those rights were gone to the Chinese. So we set about to create the conditions to make sure that wouldn’t happen. (A brief scene of an exploding car was shown on the screen).

“Gentlemen, just last week, uh. One of our Australian subsidiaries, thank you, LARCKEN, secured those rights. Our pilot project in Mali hit a few bumps, but I am delighted to report that it worked (another scene of locals being shot or dragged against their will, was also briefly shown on the screen). And if it can work there, there is no reason why it cannot work in ALL the mineral rich countries in AFRICA. We create the chaos, then we move in to capitalise on that chaos.

“We are looking at the long term returns. Yes gentlemen, breeds of returns that will make Iraq and Afghanistan look like chicken feed”. Ends the narration, immediately after which the speaker looked at his fellow conspirators meaningfully.

After listening to what the speaker told and showed his colleagues, this writer found himself agreeing with some of the things that are happening to the people of black descent or of completely black colour. Both types are referred to as ‘coloured’ people in the predominantly White  Western World, some few East European and Eastern Countries. Although even the white skinned Arabs and Indians are also referred to as coloured by the White man.

A colour Muslim Imam was recently officially executed in the United States, after being on the death row for eight years without the proof of his culpability in the murder of a female. R. Kelly, a very successful and popular world wide musician, was also sentenced to a jail sentence simply, according to him, because he was black, not because he committed the offence for which he was sent to prison.

Ditto what Diddy, the musician, producer and influencer, is currently undergoing in the same US. The White people first ‘make’ you, and if later one refuses to do what is wanted of them, then they are abandoned and disgraced with a prison sentence, or even the ultimate sacrifice, as was the fate of the coloured Imam. This is what so many people of colour are facing at the moment in the West, with the so called human rights organisations very loud in their absolute SILENCE.

If it was happening anywhere in Africa, Nigeria in particular, the whole world, and other planets perhaps, would have been fed up with the rants coming from such organisations about ‘disrespect’ or ‘abuse’ of human rights in so, so country, with the connivance of their local paid agents.

The monologue of the White man also forced me to revisit the several interventions made by Major (rtd) Hamza Al-Mustafa on radio and television programmes on the way forward for Nigeria. He always came out as someone who had an extensive knowledge of the problems of the country. And I found out that our common concern for the good of the whole country, should have made me like, instead of dislike, him.

In many of his talks about Nigeria, he always spoke about the mineral wealth which the country is abundantly blessed with, but which the leadership would rather have for its selfish use alone, instead of using, or allowing it to be used, for the good of all of the citizens.

For instance, he noted that the country was blessed with abundant quantities of iron ore and limestone in the north central, precious stones, precious metals and white clay and expansive land for all sorts of farming in the north west, oil, gas and coal in the south-south and the south east, and precious metals and cocoa in the south west. Yet, most people in the land are suffering from lack of almost anything, according to him.

It is also his belief that the highly important Ajaokuta Steel Development Project, initiated by the Alhaji Ahehu Shagari (late) administration in 1981, was deliberately hindered from completion by the Western powers with the connivance of some unpatriotic locals. He claimed that if the Ajaokuta Steel project had seen the light of day, it would have been one of the biggest of its kind in the world, and many countries would have made Nigeria the country to buy their finished steel and associated products.

During Al-Mustafa’s recent visit to the neighbouring Republic of Niger, on the invitation of that country’s leaders, he stated, before a large gathering, that the world was very much in short supply of iron, which, according to him, is the reason why all of the vehicles manufactured today have a high content of plastics in them.

He added that two other African countries, besides Nigeria, had large deposits of iron ore, from where Nigeria could import and add to its own to process and sell to needing customers. He however, refused to name the two countries.

I attended a Friday prayer in a Mosque in Katsina last week, and standing in the pulpit delivering his sermons, the Imam swore that if the likes of Dr. Ahmed Filin Samji were to be governor or president in Nigeria , he was very sure the country would be led with the fear of God in the hearts of the leaders.

Well, the Dr. Ahmed I know is not a politician, and is not very likely to be one, unless if the people are going to force him into it, the politician whose knowledge of the problems of the country, his famous no-nonsense reputation, his intensive knowledge of his Islamic religion, his seeming sincerity of purpose and the fear of God, make Major (rtd) Hamza Al-Mustafa suitably qualified to contest for a very high position in the next general elections, scheduled for 2027.

Let all those aspiring to be elected into a higher office, including the presidency, or appointed into big offices, swear that they never illegally enrich themselves from the Commonwealth. A very negligible number of former big office holders finished their assignments with clean hands and clear conscience today, but the majority are stupendously rich, even when they occupied their previous office as poor as the proverbial church rat.

All lovers of truth and the country, must admit that there is great inequality, lack, want, hunger and anger among the voting majority in Nigeria.  Unfortunately, it is the case in the country, despite the abundance of the globally in-demand God given mineral resources under its soil.

A former President claimed that when he assumed office, he was shocked to discover that one of his predecessors almost sold the country’s ships for a mare $1 million, instead of the tens of millions of dollars that they were supposed to fetch. There are so many tales of the unfortunate ‘sale’ of the nation by those who were supposed to be in the forefront of protecting its interests.

May Nigeria get it better in terms of God fearing leaders, in the next general elections. Leaders who would not only make true, or lay the foundation for the realisation of its potential for greatness, but also put it over and above their personal interests. Not many of our so called leaders do that at the moment.

Malam Malumfashi wrote from Abuja.

NB: In a past write up I did titled ‘How the West Is Under developing Africa’, the devil was at work again, which I realised only later. Instead of writing $500 billion, yours sincerely wrote a meagre $5 billion, as the amount France was making her former colonies ‘pay’ her every year, for a ‘forced’ loan they purportedly took from her when they were under her colonial control. The confession was made by a former French President, Jacques Chirac, during an interview with a leading European newspaper in 2008. 

He stated that, and I quote: “We have to be honest and admit that a big part of our money in the banks amounting to about $500 billion comes precisely from the exploitation of the African continent. Without Africa, France would slide down in the ranks of third world power”. Ends.