Encounter with Suleiman Ibrahim Katsina: Author of Turmin Danya/ Veteran BBC Broadcaster


The name, Suleiman Ibrahim Katsina is a house-hold identity in the domain of pros writing and investigative, modern journalism, for, it rang a bell in Nigeria and abroad. The two times winner of Hausa novel’s writing competition in 1978 and 1983 and former BBC broadcaster, who premonitioned that lapses experienced in horizon-broadening in writing are brought through excessive reading saw and foretold of what moderators in writing competitions are expected of. In this interview with our Blueprint Newspaper correspondent in Kano, Ibrahim Hamisu, on ***19/12/2023 the writer spoke abundantly about his early life, struggle, his successes in writing and the positions he held when he worked with broadcast journalism.

Katsina City News: Can you tell us about yourself?

Suleiman: My name is Suleiman Ibrahim Katsina. I was born and brought up in Katsina. At completion of my schools, I started working with the old Kaduna State, stationed at Katsina before I joined the services of Kaduna Polytechnic as an accountant. I briefly found myself into politics were I was a partisan. I am happily married with kids. I retired from BBC services in around mid-2021 as a producer.

Katsina City News: When did you venture into writing?

Suleiman: I was first introduced into writing when, in 1978 the then Northern Nigerian Publishing Company (NNPC) Zaria, introduced a writing competition among youths in the region in an attempt to encourage writing and reading. Then, in making a trial, I wrote a book, my first Hausa novel, Mallakin Zuciyata and sent it to the organizers. It suddenly became number one in the competition. Then, later, the Ministry of Information and Culture introduced another round of book’s writing competition, in attempt to further make reading a culture, a habit in northern Nigeria. I then wrote another Hausa novel, Turmin Danya and sent in confidence. It also worn the first position too.

Katsina City News: Which was your first novel?

Suleiman: As I told you, it was Mallakin Zuciyata, followed by Turmin Danya, then Tura Ta Kai Bango.

Katsina City News: So how many books have you written or published to date?

Suleiman: They are the only three (3) mentioned. But, more are underway.

Katsina City News: Turmin Danya is widely read in Nigeria. Then, can you tell us how pros writing origined?

Suleiman: Since childhood, I was a lover of reading novels, newspapers, magazine, adventure stories and many alike. Then came a day when one of my brothers whispered to me that he saw an advertisement of writing competition announcement by NNPC Zaria. Then, I thought of sending my piece on a n important polity that can be entertained by our society. Then, I wrote a book and sent it a day to the closing date. After months, they sent a letter that my book came first, followed by So Aljannar Duniya, then, Amadi Na Malam Ama came third.

Katsina City News: As an experienced radio/BBC producer, how had you dealt with writing of books while on duty?

Suleiman: To be candid, what I dwelled on while at BBC where unconnected to my writings because I soft-pedalled when I was in London. Apart from BBC broadcasting, my main or primary assignment, I also worked with another print media company. I wrote for weekly basis, by using my ‘pen name’. I also worked with Hausa Department of institute of journalism affiliated to BBC where I was in-charge of writing  and translating issues on politics and alike, like translating conference papers. I was also  in-charge of editing stories and checking orthography hunted for airing.

Katsina City News: What was the theme of your book, Turmin Danya?

Suleiman: The fundamental theme of the book was patriotism, without which no nation can progress or attain realities of economic status. Corruption, embezzlement, stealing public funds and refusal to pay tax by companies, weather corporates or individuals in a nation, for instance are the bane of any failure in governance. The book also told of non-adherence to customs rules in a country which is another sect of corruption and noncompliance to immigration ethics. Here, customs on borders are corrupt thereby bringing the fiscal policy of that nation to zero level. 

Katsina City News: Which year was Turmin Danya first published? Then, is its publication still ongoing?

Suleiman: In 1982. We were in Lagos for the ceremony after the competition ended. The publication was done by NNPC Zaria under the instruction of Ministry of Information and Culture. I now transferred the publication matter to Gidan Dabono publishers, Kano.

Katsina City News: What do you think is the secret behind its success?

Suleiman:  You see, moderators have proper checklist for the moderation which is broken into marks as they are awarded to each segment of the book. One of the segments is the quality of the storyline weather it suites the prevailing norms and ethics of our society. Then comes the language style. They then checked how the story can drag a reader to the end with enthusiasm and curiousness. .Is the story a creativity or otherwise a plagiarism?  Does the characters used in the story suite the societal existence?  A good story is one which targets no any personal individual for character deformation. Every story must have a deserving and meaningful ending that would be beneficial to a society. Talent and style of writing are those that arouse a reader much. I think the theme of the book was deserving. which beckoned the authority’s attention.

Katsina City News: Any advice to upcoming writers?

Suleiman: Today, writers are majorly readers. It depends on the beauty of the book one reads, weather it wears a good look or has errors both in character and in orthography. It is from there that one picks what he read to transfer into his mind as a starter in writing. But, one thing is, the more you widely read, the more you broaden your horizon. In writing, you ought to take adequate care of a style you are adopting. Likewise orthography which is highly deserving.  The more you read the more versatile you be. It is also recommended in writing that only things that are valid in a society are supposed to. Today, Hausa reading and writing among students and otherwise are declining. Other cultures are seemingly overriding the normal Hausa culture. This should be looked upon. Then, the beginning of every story must always be captivating or catchy to continue coaxing a reader to the end.

Then, every write up must be submitted to an expert for edition before it is camera ready in order to avoid making unnecessary errors. .

Katsina City News: Thank you.

Suleiman: You are welcome.


This interview was conducted in Hausa language and translated by Aliyu Ibrahim Kankara.

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