Meet's with Shiekh Zakzaky: Ayatollah Khamenei's Vision for Palestinian Victory


Zaharaddeen Ishaq Abubakar, Katsina Times 

Iran's Leader, Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, met with Sheikh Ibrahim Zakzaky and expressed his views on the ongoing Palestinian movement, highlighting its inevitable path to complete victory. Ayatollah Khamenei discussed the situation in Palestinian territories, particularly the besieged Gaza Strip, currently enduring severe Israeli airstrikes for the seventh consecutive day since a Hamas offensive commenced the previous Saturday.

He noted, "Today, one of the conspicuous manifestations of the strength of Islam is the events unfolding in Palestine." Ayatollah Khamenei emphasized the tragic aspects of recent events, including the loss of innocent lives, while simultaneously acknowledging the resilience of Islam in Palestine. He conveyed his optimism, saying, "With the grace and mercy of God Almighty, this movement, initiated in Palestine, will advance and culminate in the total triumph of the Palestinian people."

Ayatollah Khamenei underscored the collective responsibility of the Islamic world in supporting the Palestinian cause. He emphasized the global expansion of the Islamic movement across continents, including Africa, Asia, Europe, and North America, expressing confidence in its continued success and growth.

Furthermore, Ayatollah Khamenei reflected on the establishment of the Islamic system and a government founded on political Islamic principles in Iran, underscoring this as a testament to the strength of Islam. He reaffirmed the Islamic Republic's steadfast progress and its promising future.

The Leader also expressed his gratitude towards Sheikh Zakzaky and his family for their contributions in Africa, attributing the rising influence of Islam globally to their dedicated efforts. Ayatollah Khamenei commended Sheikh Zakzaky as a true mujahid (Islamic fighter) and encouraged him to persevere in his noble struggle for Islam.

Sheikh Zakzaky and his wife received a warm welcome in Tehran following the conclusion of his home arrest in Abuja. In 2015, Nigerian army troops raided Sheikh Zakzaky's residence and an Islamic Movement in Nigeria place of worship, resulting in the tragic loss of over 3,040 of his supporters in Zaria, Kaduna state. The Sheikh and his wife also endured the heart-wrenching loss of six sons, three of whom perished during the Zaria massacre.
