Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday invoked the Supreme Court's stern rebuke to Tamil Nadu minister Udhayanidhi Stalin over his ‘eradicate Sanatana Dharma’ remark.“Today we saw the country's top court asking tough questions to a member of the DMK family. Insulting the faith of crores of people is an identity of dynasts. Those who don't care about the public sentiments are occupying important posts in the Tamil Nadu government,” the prime minister said at a public meeting in Chennai. Pulling up the Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (DMK) leader, the top court bench of justices Sanjiv Khanna and Dipankar Dutta said,“You abuse your right under Article 19(1)(a) (of the Constitution). You abuse your right under Article 25. Now you are exercising your right under Article 32 (to file plea in the Supreme Court)? Do you not know the consequences of what you said? You are not a layman. You are a minister. You should know the consequences."
The son of Tamil Nadu chief minister MK Stalin had sparked a massive controversy last year with his remark on Sanatana Dharma.
"There are some things that we have to eradicate and we can’t merely oppose. Mosquitoes, dengue, corona and malaria are things that we cannot oppose, we have to eradicate them. Sanatanam is also like this. Eradication and not opposing Sanatanam has to be our first task," Udhayanidhi Stalin had said at an event.However, the DMK leader had remained defiant, saying he would say the same thing about Sanatana Dharma. He had clarified that his remark was against caste-based society that is Sanatana and not against Hindu religion.
During his Chennai rally, Prime Minister Modi launched an all out attack at the DMK and INDIA alliance. “For Parivarvadi parties like Congress, DMK and INDI Alliance, family is everything, corruption is everything! I welcome today's historic judgement of the Supreme Court which overruled a decision granting protection to corrupt leaders of the INDI Alliance,” he said.